Monday, May 7, 2012

Spotlight on Conservation: Jane Goodall

It would probably be some sort of crime against humanity if we didn't mention or discuss one of the world's most well-known figures and researchers in the chimpanzee world...

Jane Goodall is considered one of the prime experts in chimpanzee research and conservation efforts worldwide. She has written several books including one entitled "Hope for Animals and Their World". Goodall is also responsible for the foundation of her own organization for the betterment of chimpanzees everywhere.

The Jane Goodall Institute was founded in 1977 with the mission of improving understanding and treatment of great apes, promoting public education and advocacy, contributing to the preservation of great ape habitats, and to create a network of young people who will "take responsible action to care for them". This noble goal has flourished into the organization it is today- providing care for over 150 chimpanzees living in the Gombe Stream Game Reserve.

Goodall is also responsible for the formation of other environmental awareness programs, including a program called "Roots & Shoots", connects youth of all ages who desire to create a "better world". The program provides service opportunities, youth-led campaigns, and resources online for young people to reach out and make a difference in the world.

This fabulous researcher just celebrated her 78th birthday and is still active, traveling the world for speaking tours, writing more books on great ape conservation, and doing what she enjoys most- visiting Gombe and spending time with her chimps.


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