Saturday, April 28, 2012

Bonobo chimps at the San Diego ZOO

From observing these Bonobo's I felt as if the one in the middle was the matriarch of the group. 
After some time the youngest of the group came from sitting behind its mother to sitting in front of its mother.  In the next picture the baby is sucking its thumb.

In this picture, the mother was moving away from the original sitting spot and the baby is following closely. 
In this picture, the baby is leaning over to touch the stream of water while the mother watches closely behind. 

The mother was moving up the hill and the rest of the chimps followed right after 

This plaque located near the Bonobo exhibit discussed the small differences between chimps and Bonobos.  They are part of the same genius PAN.  The small differences are in their facial features. Bonobo's have longer hair on their  heads and it parts in the middle. Also the color of their face is different.
This chimp showed some possible aggression towards the glass.  He or she would punch the window, slap the window with its hands or slap the window with its branch.

This is a short video clip of how the chimp would smack the viewing window.


  1. The chimp hitting the window definitely looks like a sign of aggressiveness! I wonder if he was actually trying to be aggressive or just was "playing around" with the human observers.

  2. I loved the photos of the chimp and his mother! I wonder how long the young chimp remains close to his mother and when he actually is considered an adult himself.
